Cloud Governance in 3 Simple Steps

The benefits of cloud computing: cost savings, flexibility, agility, and scalability are compelling, but it also brings with it new risks.  Flexibility and agility can quickly lead to Shadow IT, a term often used to describe systems and solutions built and used inside organizations without explicit organizational approval. The ability to spin resources up on… Continue reading Cloud Governance in 3 Simple Steps

What is and Why Micro-Segmentation for multi-tenant big software?

Working with enterprises particularly those in health, financial services and government sectors who are required to be serious about security and who need to meet regulatory compliance requirements,  micro-segmentation has emerged as a hot security topic. It is currently the preferred method for securing big software deployments in multi-tenant environments through the use of security… Continue reading What is and Why Micro-Segmentation for multi-tenant big software?

How Canonical Battles Zero-Day​ Threats

I work for Canonical as a Consulting Architect. Every design I put together I try to secure as best as possible. One reason I came to Canonical was because of the way we handle security updates and our approach to security.  This blog post outlines how we handle updates, specifically around zero-day vunerabilities. We have… Continue reading How Canonical Battles Zero-Day​ Threats